
Back to Him

I suppose everyone has their own tolerance levels for different things. We all know that we can sometimes hear someone else complaining and we think: seriously? that's all you have to worry about? Sometimes, though the reverse happens. When we hear of someone's tragedy we tend to look inward and think maybe we don't have it that bad. Recently, some women were shot while doing a dance class at a local gym ; three of which died. I can't imagine the families of those women. The entire city is devastated. I pray that their families are finding strength and comfort somehow. There are a countless number of times we hear of things like this and think we are going to do things differently. How long does it last? I have also heard the story of a man being put to death on a cross. For me, that is inspiration to live differently that will never fade.

1 comment:

  1. Good post and I like your blog! It's a tough one. It can also be tempting when you're going through a tough time to look at another person's life and think about how perfect everything is for them. It's tricky though because a lot of people that look all put together are feeling empty or in despair, but you'd never know it. I always try to remember that the most important factor in anyone's well-being is the thing I can't really know: their spiritual foundation.
